Boost Immunity - How to motivate yourself in losing weight

Motivation for Weight Loss - How to Navigate the Tough Times

Live the life you’ve imagined – step 3

How will I get there?

Our body is a system put simply this means that a change in one thing affects another. Nothing exists in isolation, everything is connected. Therefore changing one part of our behaviour will affect another part of our life. For example if someone was reliant on drinking alcohol at night to relax and the alcohol was taken away it would result in an imbalance that would not be corrected until a replacement for relaxing was found or, as happens many times, they begin drinking again. It is helpful to consider what the root of your habit is by asking “why”.... “what do I get from doing this behaviour”.

1. What things that you enjoy do you think you would have to give up to become a healthier weight? Or what situations do you not want your healthy lifestyle to affect? (e.g. socialising with friends, getting up after 7am, drinking wine to relax after work)

a.________________________________________________________________________________ b.________________________________________________________________________________ c.________________________________________________________________________________ d.________________________________________________________________________________ e.________________________________________________________________________________

How can you create new ways to get what is important to you (as above) AND reach your 12 week goal?

a.________________________________________________________________________________ b.________________________________________________________________________________ c.________________________________________________________________________________ d.________________________________________________________________________________ e.________________________________________________________________________________

2. Planning and Preparation: What resources or support do you need to achieve your 12 week goal? These could be internal like confidence from recalling past experiences or external like new shoes, exercise equipment, cooking equipment or the support of your partner.

Equipment/memberships: _____________________________________________________________ Support: __________________________________________________________________________ Confidence: ________________________________________________________________________

Other: ____________________________________________________________________________

3. What action do you personally need to take within the next 24 hours to take the first step towards achieving your 12 week goal? _________________________________________________________________________________________

4. What type of person do you have to be to achieve your 12 week goal?


(Live the life you've imagined - Step 2)

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