Commuters - How to build strength and muscles for weight loss

Building Strength and Muscle

Resistance Training

If you are nearing your weight loss goal it’s now time to focus on increasing muscle while maintaining your level of fitness. Fitness type exercises (like running and walking) are very useful at burning calories and losing weight.

Strength type exercises (like weight lifting) are very good at helping you to maintain your weight loss. It also makes sense that if you want to look more toned that you need to first of all decrease the amount of fat that is covering those abdominals before building the strength and size of that muscle so it is more visible.

You can maintain your current level of fitness by keeping the intensity the same and decreasing the frequency by one third. That means you can now start walking or running 3 times per week and lift weights twice per week.

Don’t let 9-to-5 become 24/7 - Benefits of strength training

Strength training has many benefits as we age

  1. Increased muscle strength, size and tone
  2. Increased metabolic rate—burn fat even during sleep!
  3. Increased bone density
  4. Increased power and performance
  5. Increased joint strength and stability
  6. Increased vitality and quality of life
  7. Improved posture
  8. Decreased chances of osteoporosis and arthritis
  9. Decrease risk of injury
  10. Decrease the chances of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  11. Increased power and performance
  12. Increased joint strength and stability
  13. Increased vitality and quality of life
  14. Improved posture
  15. Decreased chances of osteoporosis and arthritis
  16. Decrease risk of injury
  17. Increased speed of recovery from injury
  18. Decrease the chances of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
  19. Slow the aging process
  20. Attractiveness to current or prospective partners!

Increase your exercise frequency & intensity.  Click here to learn more.

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